Wednesday, July 11, 2012


“Does God care?”

Yes God Cares You...!!!

It’s a question that’s plagued millions of minds for almost as long as man has had the capacity to think. The fact that you’re here on this page right now means you’ve probably asked the same question at some point in your life.

The answer is yes. Yes, God cares. And beyond just caring, He has a plan. It’s a plan that includes the entirety of humanity—a plan that includes you.

"Let the blessings of God flow in your life like springs of living water or rivers that never run dry. God cares for you today, tomorrow and forever."

Daily Prayer: Father, along with the Psalmist David, we pray for relief from our distress.  We pray that the light of Your face would shine upon us, for You have filled our hearts with greater joy than when grain and new wine abound.  You give us a sense of security when we lie down so that we can sleep in peace; for You alone, O Lord, make us dwell in safety.  We lie down and sleep and we wake again, because You sustain us.  We will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against us on every side.  From You, O God, comes deliverance and You shower Your blessings upon Your people. Thank You for caring for us, for sustaining us, and for providing for us. Amen.